The smartphone market has been witnessing phenomenal upsurge and every single day is seeing the number of smartphone users sour like never before. Owing to heavy usage of Android smartphones in recent times, high-quality development of the Android operating system is important. ClickGoWeb offers excellent Android development services under its mobile services portfolio. ClickGoWeb decade old strong base of Java coding has helped it in unleashing Android in a simplified and quicker way than most of our counterparts since Android application development is based on Java codes. These codes control mobile devices via Google-enabled Java libraries. ClickGoWeb has been developing apps for Android since the birth of the platform. As this powerful mobile and tablet-friendly OS gains an ever widening foothold among hardware manufacturers, ClickGoWeb is well placed with technical and design expertise to develop the gamut of Native Android applications. We have incredible on-demand capacity and a stable of engineers specializing in Android apps development. ClickGoWeb will work very closely with you to be sure that you leverage the best business ideas with the latest technology. Our team uses a systematic approach to design your app with complete integration of suitable functions in the shortest amount of time. ClickGoWeb’s Android specialist team has been doing impressive work by building mobile applications based on Android- the new mobile Operating System. We’ve built amazing communication applications, restaurant, office, and business (productivity) applications, multimedia applications, travel applications, internet applications and mobile workflow-based applications. We understand that Android is the fastest growing mobile platform, due to which the demand for Android app development is steadily increasing. At ClickGoWeb our objective is to create state-of-the-art android apps and enterprise wide android applications by combining skills with sheer passion.. Our team is having the requisite tools and best infrastructure to create, test and top apps. Android is the framework built by Open Handset Alliance & Google Inc. Android is an operating system as well as software platform. Our android app developers have expertise in developing applications for mobile and tablet device, testing in a relevant simulator. You may have an idea for the next Android app & we will help you transform your idea into reality. Whether your app is targeted to consumer market or enterprise, we have the expertise to build quality-rich Android apps at a competitive price